Linux monitor network traffic
Linux monitor network traffic

linux monitor network traffic

Ip6 Delivers: The count of incoming IPv6 packets.They connect with the provider edge (PE) of the connectivity service to which the customer subscribes.

linux monitor network traffic

Ip6 CE Packets: CE stands for “ customer edge.” This usually applies to routers.Ip6 Broadcast: A count of IPv6 Broadcasts, which are sent to all devices on the network.ICMPv6 Errors: A count of ICMP v6 errors.ICMPv6: The number of Internet Control Message Protocol v6 traffic packets.An error means malformed frames were detected. A frame is a network container for a packet. CRC Errors: A count of cyclic redundancy check errors.This shouldn’t be a problem in a full-duplex network. Two or more devices have tried to send a packet simultaneously. Collisions: A count of collision errors.Somewhere in the connection path between the source and the destination, a piece of software caused a connection to abort. The statistics in the left column are as follows:

Linux monitor network traffic